Orange-fin anemonefish
A species of Amphiprion Scientific name : Amphiprion chrysopterus Genus : Amphiprion
Orange-fin anemonefish, A species of Amphiprion
Botanical name: Amphiprion chrysopterus
Genus: Amphiprion


The fish's body is short and deep; the head is small. Generally yellow in the body edges, it is yellow-brown to dark brown in the middle sides, with two white vertical stripes, the first behind the eye and the second before the anus. The fins are yellow to orange. Juveniles are a dull orange. The tail fins are generally white or yellow and vary depending on the area of origin (fish in the area surrounding Fiji and Tonga have yellow tails, fish from the Marshall and Solomon Islands have white tails). Dorsal spines (total) number 10 - 11; dorsal soft rays (total) are 15-17 in number. Two anal spines and 13-14 anal soft rays are present. It can grow to 17 cm in length.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Fish Order
Perch-like fish Family
Farmerfish Genus
Amphiprion Species
Orange-fin anemonefish