Cinnamon clownfish
A species of Amphiprion, Also known as Red and black anemonefish, Dusky anemonefish Scientific name : Amphiprion melanopus Genus : Amphiprion
Cinnamon clownfish, A species of Amphiprion
Also known as:
Red and black anemonefish, Dusky anemonefish
Botanical name: Amphiprion melanopus
Genus: Amphiprion
Description People often ask


A. melanopus adults can grow to 12 cm (4.7 inches). The body of A. melanopus is a dark red to orange with mahogany sides. Juveniles and adults have a white head band, which is wide and starts behind the eye, which may gave a blue tint. The dorsal and caudal fins of the fish have a lighter color than the rest of the fish and can sometimes be a cinnamon color. The pelvic and anal fins are usually black.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

Are cinnamon clownfish aggressive?

How big does cinnamon clownfish get?

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Fish Order
Perch-like fish Family
Farmerfish Genus
Amphiprion Species
Cinnamon clownfish