Western toad
A species of North american green toad, Also known as California toad Scientific name : Anaxyrus boreas Genus : North american green toad
Western toad, A species of North american green toad
Also known as:
California toad
Botanical name: Anaxyrus boreas
Genus: North american green toad
Description People often ask
The western toad (Anaxyrus boreas, formerly Bufo boreas) is a large toad species, between 5.6 and 13Â cm (2.2 and 5.1Â in) long, native to western North America. A. boreas is frequently encountered during the wet season on roads, or near water at other times. When handled adults often vocalize, making a sound like a peeping chick while struggling. It eats any type of insect it can catch. It can jump a considerable distance for a toad. Breeding...
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People often ask
Is the western toad endangered?
How big do western toad get?
How many eggs does a western toad lay?
How long does western toad live?
Photo By rebeccafay , used under CC-BY-NC-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original