Canadian toad
A species of North american green toad Scientific name : Anaxyrus hemiophrys Genus : North american green toad
Canadian toad, A species of North american green toad
Botanical name: Anaxyrus hemiophrys
Genus: North american green toad
Description People often ask


The Canadian toad (also Dakota toad, Anaxyrus hemiophrys) is a species of toad that ranges from the prairie regions of central Canada south to parts of United States upper midwest. It belongs to the family Bufonidae, the "true" toads. Its specific name is derived from the Latin word hemiophrys, meaning eyebrow, which refers to its pronounced cranial crest between and behind the eye. Anaxyrus hemiophrys displays the typical toad characteristics, they lack
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What do canadian toad eat?

Where do canadian toad live?

How big does canadian toad get?

How many do canadian toad weigh?

Scientific Classification