Brown paper nautilus
A species of Argonauts, Also known as Böttger's argonaut Scientific name : Argonauta hians Genus : Argonauts
Brown paper nautilus, A species of Argonauts
Also known as:
Böttger's argonaut
Botanical name: Argonauta hians
Genus: Argonauts
Argonauta hians, also known as the winged argonaut, muddy argonaut or brown paper nautilus, is a species of pelagic octopus. The common name comes from the grey to brown coloured shell. The Chinese name for this species translates as "Grey Sea-horse's Nest". The female of the species, like all argonauts, creates a paper-thin eggcase that coils around the octopus much like the way a nautilus lives in its shell (hence the name paper nautilus). The eggcase..
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Photo By renehodges , used under CC-BY-NC-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original