Garden arion
A species of Arion slugs, Also known as Small striped slug, Blue-black soil slug Scientific name : Arion hortensis Genus : Arion slugs
Garden arion, A species of Arion slugs
Also known as:
Small striped slug, Blue-black soil slug
Botanical name: Arion hortensis
Genus: Arion slugs
Description People often ask


It is worth noting that with slugs it is often difficult to establish good criteria for identifying species using external features or internal features, as colouration can be quite variable, and the rather plastic anatomy makes diagnostic anatomical features difficult to establish. A 30–40 mm. long (exceptionally up to 50 mm) roundback slug. In colour it is grey to bluish black, with dark lateral bands (the right band usually running entirely above pneumostome). The tentacles are bluish or reddish, and the slug bluish or orange tip at the tail.The first row of tubercles above the foot-fringe is white. The contracted body is semicircular (not bell-shaped) in transverse section. The sole is orange or yellow. The body mucus is yellow-orange. Juveniles are bluish grey with a darker dorsum and a yellow sole.
cultivated land; wood; garden; field; pasture
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

What happens if you eat a garden arion?

How big does garden arion get?

Where do garden arion live?

Scientific Classification

Molluscs Class
Snails and slugs Family
Roundback slugs Genus
Arion slugs Species
Garden arion