Sand tiger shark
A species of Largetooth sand tigers, Also known as Spotted ragged-tooth shark, Blue nurse shark, Ground shark, Shovel-nosed shark Scientific name : Carcharias taurus Genus : Largetooth sand tigers
Sand tiger shark, A species of Largetooth sand tigers
Also known as:
Spotted ragged-tooth shark, Blue nurse shark, Ground shark, Shovel-nosed shark
Botanical name: Carcharias taurus
Genus: Largetooth sand tigers
Description People often ask


Sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) is characterized by its ferocious look, but it has a timid and easy-going character, attacking people only when directly bothered. It can tolerate captivity, so it is the most commonly-kept large shark in public aquariums. Its meat is considered a delicacy in Japan, but this species has been listed as "critically endangered" by the IUCN.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

Why are sand tiger shark called that?

Why are sand tiger shark endangered?

Is a sand tiger shark dangerous?

What eats a sand tiger shark?

How long can a sand tiger shark live?

How many babies does a sand tiger shark have?

How big does sand tiger shark get?

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Sharks and rays Order
Mackerel sharks Family
Sand sharks Genus
Largetooth sand tigers Species
Sand tiger shark