Gray treefrog
A species of Wastebasket, Also known as Northern gray treefrog, Tetraploid gray treefrog Scientific name : Hyla versicolor Genus : Wastebasket
Gray treefrog, A species of Wastebasket
Also known as:
Northern gray treefrog, Tetraploid gray treefrog
Botanical name: Hyla versicolor
Genus: Wastebasket
Description People often ask


A frog of many colors, the gray treefrog changes its skin color based on time and temperature. With a camouflage-type pattern covering its body, the colors transition from gray to green to brown, allowing the gray treefrog to disguise itself amidst the decaying leaves and rubble where it hides under trees. A nocturnal hunter, its unique color-changing ability allows it to sneak up on its prey.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

Is the gray treefrog poisonous?

What does the gray treefrog eat?

Are gray treefrog rare?

Can you keep a gray treefrog as a pet?

Where can I find a gray treefrog?

How often should I feed my gray treefrog?

What does a gray treefrog sound like?

Do gray treefrog change color?

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Amphibians Order
Frogs and toads Family
Tree frogs and their allies Genus
Wastebasket Species
Gray treefrog