Yellowtail snapper
A species of Yellowtail snapper Scientific name : Ocyurus chrysurus Genus : Yellowtail snapper
Yellowtail snapper, A species of Yellowtail snapper
Botanical name: Ocyurus chrysurus
Genus: Yellowtail snapper
Description People often ask
Found mostly around coral reefs, yellowtail snapper is a fish species quite often spotted by divers. A notable commercial and game fish, it can also commonly be seen in public aquariums. The name of yellowtail snapper comes from its distinctive yellow band that spreads from the head to the tail.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.
People often ask
What is the size limit for yellowtail snapper?
Is yellowtail snapper high in mercury?
Where do you find yellowtail snapper?
What is the world record yellowtail snapper?
What is the best bait for yellowtail snapper?
What eats a yellowtail snapper?
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Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Fish Order
Perch-like fish Family
Snappers Genus
Yellowtail snapper Species
Yellowtail snapper