Greater siren
A species of Aquatic salamanders Scientific name : Siren lacertina Genus : Aquatic salamanders
Greater siren, A species of Aquatic salamanders
Botanical name: Siren lacertina
Genus: Aquatic salamanders
Description People often ask
The greater siren (Siren lacertina) is an amphibious salamander native to North America; it is the largest siren species in the region. The greater siren lives in wetlands near coasts. If the waterway dries up, this carnivorous species can burrow into the mud and hibernate for years if necessary.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.
People often ask
What do greater siren eat?
How long does greater siren live?
What eats a greater siren?
How big does greater siren get?
Photo By Qualiesin , used under CC-BY-SA-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Amphibians Order
Salamanders Family
Sirens Genus
Aquatic salamanders Species
Greater siren