Spiny dogfish
A species of Spiny dogfish, Also known as Mud shark, Pacific spiny dogfish, Spotted spiny dogfish, Pacific dogfish Scientific name : Squalus acanthias Genus : Spiny dogfish
Spiny dogfish, A species of Spiny dogfish
Also known as:
Mud shark, Pacific spiny dogfish, Spotted spiny dogfish, Pacific dogfish
Botanical name: Squalus acanthias
Genus: Spiny dogfish
Description People often ask


Spiny dogfish does not attack people, but potential danger comes from its sharp, toxic spines that can cause injuries in humans if not handled carefully. This is probably the most abundant shark species, widely distributed throughout the temperate and boreal waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Spiny dogfish is used as a food fish and it's also harvested for its leather and oil.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

Are spiny dogfish poisonous?

How big do spiny dogfish get?

What does spiny dogfish eat?

How long does spiny dogfish live?

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Sharks and rays Order
Dogfish sharks Family
Dogfish sharks Genus
Spiny dogfish Species
Spiny dogfish