Target fish
A species of Terapon, Also known as Crescent perch, Crescent grunter, Thornfish, Thonfish Scientific name : Terapon jarbua Genus : Terapon
Target fish, A species of Terapon
Also known as:
Crescent perch, Crescent grunter, Thornfish, Thonfish
Botanical name: Terapon jarbua
Genus: Terapon
Description People often ask


Target fish (Terapon jarbua) is an Indo-Pacific marine fish. Its most distinct feature is the pattern of black stripes it uses for camouflage. From the side they are reminiscent of water ripples, but when viewed from above they form concentric circles reminiscent of an archery target. A small amount of commercial fishing occurs, and the meat is sold fresh, salted or dried.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

People often ask

What is target fish?

How big does target fish get?

Can target fish live in freshwater?

What does target fish eat?

Where does target fish reproduce?

Scientific Classification