Kahuna nudibranch
A species of Thorunna Scientific name : Thorunna kahuna Genus : Thorunna
Kahuna nudibranch, A species of Thorunna
Botanical name: Thorunna kahuna
Genus: Thorunna


This species is translucent pinkish-white with a magenta submarginal line on the mantle. On the back foot it has two dark purple lines. The rhinophores have translucent pink stalks and orange-red clubs while the gills are orange-red with translucent pink bases. There are prominent, opaque-white mantle glands around the posterior margin of the mantle and, occasionally, in front of the rhinophores which help distinguish it from the very similar Thorunna daniellae. Adult specimens are about 10–16 mm (0.39–0.63 in) long.
* Disclaimer: The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.

Scientific Classification

Molluscs Class
Snails and slugs Order
Nudibranchs Family
Chromodorids Genus
Thorunna Species
Kahuna nudibranch